Monday, March 15, 2010


So, I may be kinda fucked. With my new job, I have completely slacked off on my school work, concentrating instead mostly on work. The problem is, now the end of the quarter is here, and I am way behind. I have been up all night trying to salvage any grades I can. It really all depends on one professor. I have been behind for the last 3 labs, since I just cannot seem to get them working. Part of the problem I am having is sheer frustration. I am not used to any class that has a lab that I cannot accomplish in the time allocated. Since I am having trouble, it kinda makes me not want to do it. I am so close to graduation though. That is the craziest part. These are the times I wished I had not completely screwed myself my first two years of college. I am still attempting to dig myself out of the hole I dug myself, so I get to walk the tightrope every quarter, with very little wiggle room. If I fail so much as a single class, it will likely be a year before I can return to school. Granted, at least my job has some room to grow, so even if I do manage to get myself kicked out of school again, I will have that. It would be nice to have a degree to fall back on in case this job doesn't work out though. Son of a bitch. I am so unbelievably pissed at myself right now.

On a happier note, I have actually made it out to ride several times over the past couple weeks!
I now have a new favorite horse. His name is Kaliber, and I think the reason I enjoy riding him so much is that he reminds me of riding Gatsby, the thoroughbred that I have ridden quite a bit, but without the craziness he can display at times. I have to say, having a thoroughbred decide to take off on you is quite the adrenaline rush. I actually did have Kaliber take off on me for a few steps, but since he is not exactly a racehorse, it was fairly easy to control. He is also the most sensitive horse I have ridden. He seems very responsive to my admittedly novice cues, and at times, almost seems to just know what I want him to do. He may end up getting sold this spring though, so I don't know how long I will be able to ride him. Maybe I can convince Hope to keep him....

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Gonna be a long night...

So I currently need to have two sites live by the morning. Means a nice long night for me. I don't mind it too much though honestly. I feel that pulling an all-nighter every once in awhile is not a bad practice. Usually makes my head swim by the time I finally get to sleep, but it makes me feel useful.

I get to do my first salary negotiation this week. I am a wee bit worried about this. I have never been good at asking for things, especially since I really do need this job. I can't however, let my boss screw me over. Good experience though, I guess. Still not really looking forward to it, though.

I realized last night that I only have eight more classes until I can graduate. Actually nervous about this as well. Since I have been working/going to school on and off for the past 6 years, I don't know that I really want to enter the real world. I really have no reason to be too worried though, as I currently have a good job lined up, that may actually be a career, and if not, it should at least provide me some experience in my desired field.

On a completely unrelated note, I recently realized my need for a new drinking buddy. Now, I have several people I enjoy drinking with, but what tends to happen is that I am not too attached to drinking with them, so usually I end up wandering off, following some drunken idea that seems like a great plan. This leads to some strange circumstances. I tend to meet some of the more interesting people in the world. Interesting is not always a good thing. The weirdest part is that I seem to have streaks that develop in the type of people I meet. For example, one streak involved me having receiving a lot of attention from random cougars every time I went out. My friend actually refused to believe me when I told him about these experiences, so I invited him to come out to the bar with me one night. Within a few minutes there, I was approached by a woman in her late 40s, who started coming on to me. I was then nice enough to excuse myself for a good bit and leave her there with my buddy. Needless to say, he will never forgive me for that, but he will also never doubt my stories. The latest streak is a weird one. I am not sure of the actual connection between the people I have met, except their extreme oddness. A couple weeks ago, I started up a conversation with a girl, who turned out to have been married to a coke dealer for the last ten years, but luckily enough for me, divorced him this past October. The best news from that story is that I got a ride home. This past week, I met a different type of odd girl. I was nice enough to walk her home, since she lived a few houses down from the house I was crashing at that night. She invited me in, for the purpose of showing me a hole in her leg. Yes, a hole in her leg. Why was there a hole in her leg? I am a little fuzzy on the details, but from what I remember, it had something to do with an "air-born staph infection that she had received due to smoking".

Best news of late: I am officially done working in retail as of Saturday. This whole juggling two jobs and school thing will be over. Back to one job and school. And, the new job will pay better, and be in a field I enjoy. Downside: My new boss is kinda a dick, and expects me to perform miracles. Well, guess I get to be a miracle worker!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Oh so busy....

It has been a pretty interesting couple of weeks. By interesting, I mean hectic, chaotic, and just kinda weird. Started off a little over a week ago, when I had a couple friends come down for the weekend. Had a good time partying it up, then went out to an ATV park to get some pictures for work. And by work, I mean we spent 95% of the time riding, and just having a good time, and the other 5% stopping to get some pretty decent pictures. However, that nice event was followed by about 12 hrs worth of work, and this whole week has been like that. Earliest I have actually gotten to bed this week was somewhere around 2AM. I really do enjoy doing the web design, but it is kinda frustrating doing this work for free. Long story short, I had to create a website for my new boss to prove to him that I had the necessary skills. That site is about to go live, hopefully tonight. Then I will start development on a couple other sites. The best news though, is that this is turning into a full-time position in 3 weeks, so that gives me the necessary time to put in sufficient notice at my other job. My schedule for the past week, and likely the next couple weeks: 2 hours of class in the morning, an hour drive to work, an 8 hr shift, an hour drive home, then web design/homework until 2-4AM, depending on how productive I feel. The other side of things reared its ugly head today though, when I managed to piss off one of the bosses at the plant when I went out there to give my boss an update. The tech was there to begin installation of the new T1 line, so my boss told me to talk to him a bit, and get a feel for how the network is going to be set up. Apparently, this was seen as territorial infringement by the guy who has been working to get the T1 line put in. He proceeded to go into the office, slam the door, and have a nice "discussion" with my boss, and then proceeded to call me in, and grill me on why I felt the need to so much as talk to the tech. Good start, lol. At least now I know he is territorial, and will probably just make sure to avoid him as much as possible.

Even got to go out to the farm last week. Granted, my plan of actually getting to ride failed, due to the fact that it was about 1 outside, but I really enjoy getting to spend time out there. I stuck around for awhile, and helped with the evening feed. Cold as hell, but I always feel better when I get to hang out there. Perhaps it is the isolation provided out there. My cell phone barely works, so it is easy for me to forget that I even have a cell phone. To put that in perspective, I have a hard time staying away from my phone for even a couple minutes. Especially with my schedule lately, it is my one connection to the rest of the world, and I have developed such a dependence on it that it is somewhat ridiculous. Oh well, such is the life of a techie. Can't keep myself away.

Well, I suppose that is all for now. Back to the grind of life. Now let's see if I can actually update a little more often. I have started a couple posts this past week, but always seem to get distracted before I can actually put together a full post. Gotta work on that....

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Purpose of this Blog

I decided to start this blog to try to organize my thoughts. What this means is that this blog will be filled with stream-of-consciousness ramblings that fill my head. Maybe I should explain a little about myself. I am a senior at Ohio University, and will hopefully graduate at the end of fall quarter with a Computer Science degree. The computer science part should explain my need to talk about the purpose of every writing. Hence, this post. I am into body modification, and currently have 19 piercings and 3 tattoos. I recently discovered horseback riding, and am currently studying dressage. I am a huge soccer fan, and can be seen in the front row at many Columbus Crew games. I love math, especially strange concepts and equations, and I try to constantly study some new discipline of math. I am a somewhat introverted individual, but perhaps this blog will help me a bit with that. At the moment, I am also working two jobs to go along with school, so this blog will also help reconnect me to the outside world. I am also recently single, and still not particularly happy about it, so I may occasionally have something to say along those lines. Some of my posts may contain odd references or allusions to weird things. I will try to offer some explanations occasionally. I suppose this will be all for now, but there is plenty more to come!